"Not that a page of figures is a verse, but anything that is precise is beautiful, anything that balances in all its parts . . ."

Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel

Luca Bookkeeping provides precise and balanced record keeping services to small businesses, nonprofits and professionals.  We accurately track income and expenses to generate quarterly reports that help you see more clearly the financial health of your organization.  With this knowledge, you can assess your business strategies and plan for the future.

Luca Bookkeeping was started by Tonya Garreaud and gets its name from Luca Pacioli, an Italian monk and mathematician who is considered the “father” of double-entry bookkeeping, the accounting method that has been used for hundreds of years.

With Luca Bookkeeping managing your record keeping, you can turn your attention to the important questions related to running your business. Spend time with your customers, look at new areas of growth, and attend to other aspects of your business’s success. Instead of using your time and energy trying to develop the accounting expertise necessary to handle your books, leave the details of bookkeeping to us.

Tonya Garreaud managed a small business for 13 years before attending Portland State University and Linfield College to study accounting, a subject that utilizes her strong attention to detail and natural knack for numerical accuracy.